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The Cowardly Congress and the Tyrannical President

July 18, 2011

Gonzo Town
July 18, 2011 

One way to look at the artificial conflict over the debt ceiling theater is in terms of Gypsy Rose Lee doing the striptease fan dance. The beltway burlesque script is designed never to solve real problems. Give the public a glimmer of desire by way of a glimpse of fantasy. 

The dream of financial sanity and government responsibility is as remote as integrity from the political class. At the core of the two-step is a fundamental dishonesty about changing much less reforming the way business is conducted in the age of totalitarian collectivism. Now, this is entertainment if the dire consequences were not so profound.

The abdication of Congress as a co-equal branch of the central government monolith is complete. It took decades for the timid clan of the 535 to capitulate to the “so called” most powerful person on the planet. No one will ever confuse House or Senate clones with the brave warriors of Thermopylae. The current Xerxes may go by the name Obama, Bush or Clinton; but their Immortals in the executive branch number in the millions. Not exactly a fair fight! The 300 Spartans only had 10,000 elite storm troopers to defeat. Treachery is the coin of the realm in this imperium, as long as the basic structure of the empire remains intact.

BANKRUPT: Obama has carried the ball over the goal line, only it's the wrong end of the pitch.

The Reid and Pelosi DemocRATS are proven traitors to the Republic. The jubilation from their loss of the House in the last election cycle gave encouragement to the innocent and inexperienced. The hope of a bona fide Tea Party revolution in Congress is hitting a brick wall. No one should be surprised. The Republican leadership can always be counted upon to let victory escape, when they have the votes to force significant restructure.     

Obama is a prima donna in a cheap suit. Some say his presidency is the Jimmy Carter second term. If only it was that good. Barry Soetoro is the real persona of the counterfeit president. He is a deep seeded Marxist as was his father. Wall Street selected him to do their bidding and continue the crony collectivism that George Bush championed. Communism is the great invention of the Khazar global banksters, used as the capitalist tool to consolidate their grip on the corporatist global gulag.

Raising the debt ceiling or delving into default is another false choice presented on a bed of emotional hysteria. The true resolution of endless deficits is self-evident; STOP the Spending. The criminal syndicate that masquerades as elected representatives just continue their schemes of deceit and subterfuge. Look no further, than the sophistry of tax crook Charles Rangel. He is an insult to every real American. The noteworthy lesson is that his latest re-election speaks volumes about the hideous standards of his district’s constituency. Main Street with a Harlem address loves the welfare society.  A sequel to the movie American Gangster, has Charlie Rangel as the real “Frank Lucas” and would be a good project for Denzel Washington.

The public has a very short memory. Many are mere programmed dimwits of the political propaganda. Do you remember the real cause of The Last Shutdown? “The last time the federal government was shut down occurred from Dec. 16, 1995 until Jan. 6, 1996, after President Bill Clinton vetoed spending bill passed by the Republican-controlled Congress.”

The Lessons from the great government shutdown of 1995-1996 demonstrate that spending cuts are the ultimate taboo for the political careerist.

“The government shutdown took place in two phases. The first lasted five days in November 1995, until the White House agreed to congressional demands to balance the budget within seven years. But talks on implementing that agreement failed, and the second shutdown lasted 21 days, from Dec. 15, 1995 to Jan. 6. 1996. (Then a blizzard struck Washington and local federal workers could not get back to work for days after that.)

The sticking point was the GOP demand that Clinton agree to their version of a balanced budget. In months of negotiations, Clinton had actually given a far amount of ground, infuriating Democrats on the left. He agreed to a balanced budget over seven years, to tax cuts, to changes in mandatory spending programs such as Medicare. But the two sides were remained far apart on the pace of spending cuts — and even further apart on the policies behind those cuts.

Clinton’s trump card was the veto. Under the Constitution, Congress must muster a two-thirds majority to overcome a presidential veto. So Gingrich had loudly proclaimed that he had a tool to confront the veto: the government shutdown.”

Do you remember the ancient history experience under President Reagan? The article, Time to Correct Reagan’s Biggest Mistake, illustrates the reality of the futile “Great Society”.

“They must correct Ronald Reagan’s mistake of agreeing to $1 in tax increases in exchange for $3 of future spending cuts from the Democratic Congress. Thirty years after Reagan made that deal, we are still waiting for those spending cuts to materialize. The federal budget was approximately $500 billion when Reagan agreed to that promise in 1981; the federal budget in 2011 is close to $4 trillion. Enough is enough.”

Today RepubliCANT Senator Mitch McConnell just proposed the “Pontius Pilate Pass the Buck Act of 2011.”

“In a nutshell, the President would get to raise the debt ceiling three times in the next year at several billion bucks a pop without making any spending cuts unless two-thirds of both houses of Congress disagree. In his press conference, McConnell says he would not give the President “unilateral authority to make spending cuts on his own,” but this plan would allow the President to raise the debt ceiling pretty much automatically.”

You can just hear “The Gipper” saying: “Well, here we go again!”

McConnell’s proposal is a pivotal constitutional betrayal that seals the final doom of a weak Congress. If the imperial emperor is granted the power of the purse, Congress becomes entirely irrelevant. After renouncing their legal and constitutional responsibility to declare war, the brave aristocracy of Capital Hill reverts to their natural status of rubber stamp flunkies.

This country needs a symmetric upheaval to stop the unimpeded march for total power by the office of the Presidency. A government shutdown is a positive requirement. The cowards in Congress are so absorbed by their own careers, reelection and retirement perks that they eagerly cooperate with the authoritarian enemy to destroy the balance in the federalism formula and states rights sovereignty.

The Tea Party freshmen were sent to Congress to put an end to the shenanigans of the scoundrels. McConnell’s duplicitous proposal can circumvent the GOP remnant with Pelosi’s mush in the House and Reid’s muscle in the Senate. Only House Speaker John Boehner stands at the gates, but will he fight like Leonidas or become the next Ephialtes?

Your Congressional representatives need to feel the heat. Demand a confrontation that rejects any compromise that shifts more power and influence to the executive branch of the federal monster. The world will not end if an increase in the debt ceiling elapses. On the contrary, the financial markets, as reflected in the loss of confidence in the reserve currency role of the fiat dollar is really a rejection of the entire Federal Reserve debt created monetary system itself.  

If the whining parasites and government dependency crowd are so selfish that they are willing to trade their liberty for a meager check, they deserve to perish under the boot of a despotic dictator. Obama’s handlers are quite willing to consolidate their grip over this country using a puppet and a security risk asset. Once the empire is officially recognized, the formalities of general elections and Congressional legislation will be ignored altogether. An arrangement of inexhaustible executive orders works well for the elites and their managed central commissars. 

The high priest and NeoCon, Charles Krauthammer, and infiltrator of genuine conservatism writes in Human Events, Call His Bluff

“If conservatives really want to get the nation’s spending under control, the only way is to win the presidency. Put the question to the country and let the people decide. To seriously jeopardize the election now in pursuit of a long-term small-government Ryan-like reform that is inherently unreachable without control of the White House may be good for the soul. But it could very well wreck the cause.”

This is exactly the kind of advice that prevents an all out battle with the Statists. The go along to get along mindset popularized the capitulation culture. Does anyone really believe that Federal Reserve alumni Herman Cain or Bilderberg choice Governor Rick Perry will restore financial sanity? Only the Ron Paul platform and philosophy offers an alternative to the globalists. No candidate can be the savior. It will take a grassroots revolution to tame the predatory central government hydra. Without significant cuts and entire department eliminations, any deal on raising the debt limit is a sham.

Since the Federal Reserve is now monetizing the debt, the dollar is inevitably doomed. So what is the point with this political dance? It is time to strip off the costume and bare the Realpolitik to the bone.

This story was originally published on the BATR archive  page.

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