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BBC defends Newsnight after David Starkey said ‘white chavs have become black’

August 16, 2011

Editor’s Note: In a western culture struggling to find its way, stating the obvious can get you into hot water, and before you know it, you are being impaled on the stake of 21st century political correctness. You may not like Starkey’s comment on chavs because you think he’s also slating blacks at the same time, but you still understand what he is trying to say, even if it’s not going down too well. Gonzo Town try to stay out of racial debates, but most will agree that chavs who wear hoodies, wear bling, tacky track suits, talk tough, have a vocabulary of 30-40 words,  act tough, cannot locate Great Britain on a world map and who struggle to write their own names on a job application form- but excel at claiming benefits, surely represent one of the lower watermarks in modern european culture. A failure of education and more importantly, a failure of culture.

But they can text message quicker than anyone else.


The Daily Mail
August 16, 2011

The BBC has defended a Newsnight debate which prompted almost 700 complaints about historian David Starkey’s ‘offensive’ views.

The writer and broadcaster was accused of racism after appearing on the BBC2 news show on Friday and saying that ‘white chavs have become black’ while debating last week’s riots.

David Starkey sparked anger as he suggested that black 'gangster' culture had become the norm.

The BBC said Dr Starkey’s comments had prompted complaints from viewers who felt his contribution was ‘inappropriate and racially offensive’.

The BBC has defended a Newsnight debate which prompted almost 700 complaints about historian David Starkey’s ‘offensive’ views.

The writer and broadcaster was accused of racism after appearing on the BBC2 news show on Friday and saying that ‘white chavs have become black’ while debating last week’s riots.

The BBC said Dr Starkey’s comments had prompted complaints from viewers who felt his contribution was ‘inappropriate and racially offensive’.

      David Starkey tries to find a Tory meaning within the riot madness.

He went on to say that the Tottenham MP David Lammy – whose parents are from Guyana – sounded white. ‘If you turn the screen off, so you were listening to him on radio, you would think he was white,’ Dr Starkey said during the ten-minute discussion.

Mr Lammy has since called Dr Starkey’s views ‘irrelevant’.

Mr Miliband said it was ‘absolutely outrageous’ that someone in the 21st century should be making such comments.

He added: ‘There should be condemnation from every politician and from every political party of those sorts of comments.’

He went on to say that the Tottenham MP David Lammy – whose parents are from Guyana – sounded white. ‘If you turn the screen off, so you were listening to him on radio, you would think he was white,’ Dr Starkey said during the ten-minute discussion.

Mr Lammy has since called Dr Starkey’s views ‘irrelevant’.

Mr Miliband said it was ‘absolutely outrageous’ that someone in the 21st century should be making such comments.

He added: ‘There should be condemnation from every politician and from every political party of those sorts of comments.’

 A chav spokesperson from Mancester being interviewed, and believes that he’s figured it all out.


2 Comments leave one →
  1. August 16, 2011 6:11 pm

    Mmm…racist, not racist…who knows! But maybe somewhere in all of that old Starsky has a point. This is no big deal as black people has always tried to be ‘white’, that is when they are not straightening their hair, lightning their skin, making sure their elbows are off the table when they eat and of course, there is the accent. If there is anything that they have more or less perfected is to ‘sound’ white. And to a certain extent, it has worked. White people ‘listen’ when you actually sound like them: I liken it to putting milk in your coffee so that it can weaken its effects of staying alert; speech is the milk.

    The key is to sound as white as possible so that at least temporarily, they are not reminded of who you really are making them feel comfortable. Just like myself, Lammy, and his family are just round the corner from where I live (in Tottenham) and his ‘speech’ came about from private education in the UK and at Harvard Law School. There are a number of blacks who also fall into this ‘speech’ trap like Baronesses Scotland and Amos, T Phillips, Boateng plus numerous others.

    Just as ‘whites are becoming blacks’ and therefore descending into a lifestyle which is made up of crime, drugs and JD items, I just wonder why he has not been able to point out that ‘black people have always being white’ and in some cases, they have perfected it so well, it has enabled them to exist in the Western culture.

  2. August 16, 2011 7:10 pm

    Here, here. Spot on old chum, innit?

    Yes, in that sense, language is power. It doesn’t matter if you are white or black.

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